Collaborative platform

The platform, developed in the context of the project USINE: Uses of Sculpture and Industrialization: New Evolvements, is a tool intended for the study of techniques and practices of sculpture in the industrial era. Based on the manipulation of 3D models, completed by photographic views, the platform offers the possibility of sharing and pooling digital models of varied origin, to view them remotely and to identify significant traces, to discuss of their interpretations and to create ideas associations, in order to nourish the creation of a multilingual thesaurus and to create an exhaustive documentation of the traces of manufacture of the works.

The platform consists of different sections:

  • The 3D Models Gallery which contains a summary description of all the shared models as well as access links to the complete 3D model, the annotations made on the model and possibly the corresponding sketchfab model;
  • The Annotations Management which includes all the annotations made on the different models, and which give access to related discussions and the possibility of associating a precise definition with an annotation pointing to a significant trace;
  • The Term Management which includes, for different languages, the terms for which a definition has been proposed. Users can add new terms to it, agree on a precise definition, suggest corrections or variations, as well as vote on the proposals submitted.

To use the tool, it is necessary to create an (free) account and to connect to it from the login menu.

In addition to the IT tool, a set of scientific technical notices was produced as a vehicle for transferring expertise to help institutions that so wish to feed the system, by digitizing and sharing online works from their collection, and to use the platform in order to enrich knowledge of the techniques and processes of sculpture industrialization :

We invite the various collaborator in the field to appropriate the tool, to use it, to offer their opinions, to share works online or to return their observations with a view to improving it to the developers, at the following address :